Pappa, sysadmin, poddare, Volvoman, chipsentusiast
Apples dubbelmoral mot Hey
Basecamp, företaget bakom webbtjänsten med samma namn, är väldigt nära att lansera en ny e-posttjänst kallad Hey som ser riktigt lovande ut. Det enda problemet är att Apple stoppat dem från att publicera sin applikation på App Store:
On Tuesday afternoon, Apple sent Basecamp a slightly softer written notice. “We noticed that your app allows customers to access content, subscriptions, or features they have purchased elsewhere, but those items were not available as in-app purchases within the app,” it said. Because Hey didn’t qualify as a “Reader” app, Apple said that existing subscribers could log in as normal but Hey needed to make all subscriptions available to new users as in-app purchases.
Tack och hej, Macintosh
Efter över 20 år som Mac-användare har jag nu gjort det jag svamlat om i många år i både poddar och bloggposter: jag har dumpat min Mac. Min ömma moder behövde en nyare Mac än hennes gamla iMac så jag bestämde mig helt sonika för att hon skulle få min 15-tums Macbook Pro från 2015.
Vilken Mac ersätter jag då den med? Ingen. Istället blir min bärbara dator en Dell Latitude E7440 med Linuxdistributionen Fedora och min stationära dator ett hembygge baserat på en AMD Ryzen 5 3400G med fyra processorkärnor, åtta trådar och en topphastighet på 4,2GHz. Till detta blir det 2x500GB SSD och 32GB internminne. Även denna ska köra Linux i form av Fedora.
…ARM-processorer i Mac nära förestående
The company is holding WWDC the week of June 22. Unveiling the initiative, codenamed Kalamata, at the event would give outside developers time to adjust before new Macs roll out in 2021, the people said. Since the hardware transition is still months away, the timing of the announcement could change, they added, while asking not to be identified discussing private plans.
The new processors will be based on the same technology used in Apple-designed iPhone and iPad chips. However, future Macs will still run the macOS operating system rather than the iOS software on mobile devices from the company. Bloomberg News reported on Apple’s effort to move away from Intel earlier this year, and in 2018.
Hemarbete inte längre en utopi
For example, a US Census Bureau survey reveals that one-third of all American workers and half of all so-called “information workers” are able to work from home, and that 98% would like the option of working from home for the rest of their career. Nearly two-thirds of candidates say that whether a company offers alternative work locations (home or office) is a key consideration when choosing a job.
On the other side of the equation, companies are managing to save about $11,000 annually for every employee who works from home approximately half the time. For employees, the change translates into savings of between $2,500 and $4,000 annually if they work from home half the time, and even more if they decide to move to less expensive areas or if they decide to work from home most of the time.
Ett arkiv väl värt att ladda hem
A while ago we received a request from one of our users who was looking for a way to screenshot all Donald Trump tweets. We realized that’s a good opportunity to put Pikaso into test and see if it can perform such a task without any problems. It went smoothly and there was only an issue with one of his tweets which included a deleted image.
Today, we are releasing the resulting files to the public. This archive contains screenshots of 43,475 Donald Trump tweets from May 2009 to May 2020. Whether you are pro- or anti- Trump, this is an important part of Internet history that we believe should be preserved.