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Apple köper upp lösning för enhetshantering

Fleetsmith har blivit uppköpta av Apple:

We started Fleetsmith to balance the management and security needs of IT with the experience users love about Mac, iPad, and iPhone. We’re proud of the incredibly talented team we’ve built, and that we’ve stayed true to our mission: to make powerful, secure Apple fleet management available to everyone.

We’re thrilled to join Apple. Our shared values of putting the customer at the center of everything we do without sacrificing privacy and security, means we can truly meet our mission, delivering Fleetsmith to businesses and institutions of all sizes, around the world.

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En samlad, återhållsam beskrivning av USA:s 45:e president


When you listen to the President, these are the musings of an imbecile. An idiot. And I don’t use those words to name call. I use them because they are the precise words of the English language to describe his behavior. His comportment. His actions. We’ve never seen a level of incompetence, a level of ineptitude so staggering on a daily basis by anybody in the history of the country whose ever been charged with substantial responsibilities.

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Världens snabbaste superdator bygger på ARM-processorer


The Verge:

A Japanese supercomputer has taken the top spot in the biannual Top500 supercomputer speed ranking. Fugaku, a computer in Kobe co-developed by Riken and Fujitsu, makes use of Fujitsu’s 48-core A64FX system-on-chip. It’s the first time a computer based on ARM processors has topped the list.

Fugaku turned in a Top500 HPL result of 415.5 petaflops, 2.8 times as fast as IBM’s Summit, the nearest competitor. Fugaku also attained top spots in other rankings that test computers on different workloads, including Graph 500, HPL-AI, and HPCG. No previous supercomputer has ever led all four rankings at once.

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Apple viker sig i bråket med

David Heinemier Hansen:

Apple has approved HEY for iOS 1.0.2 without IAP!! We’ve submitted 1.0.3 for final, definitive approval with a new free option and HEY for Work. SO NOW WE WAIT. CAN THIS STAND-OFF END IN A TRUCE? har fått göra vissa justeringar för att få applikationen godkänd men de slipper åtminstone ge Apple 30 procent av sina intäkter:

Okay. We thought we were following Appleʼs unwritten rules for multi-platform SaaS products: No signups, no links, no mentions of where to sign up. Plenty of applications in the App Store work exactly like this today, including long-approved apps from Netflix, Google, Salesforce, and Nintendo.

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Apples övergång till ARM sannolikt dåliga nyheter för Intel


Jean-Louis Gassée:

First, we’ll see how Apple manages to succeed where Microsoft failed…twice. Yes, Apple knows how to port its devices to a new CPU. As mentioned in last week’s Monday Note, the move from PowerPC to Intel in 2005 was an unqualified success. But will Apple’s inducement to third party app developers — the (retroactively understandable) rejection of 32-bit apps in macOS Catalina, the Catalyst tool that will help developers bring their iOS apps to macOS — will the groundwork pay off?

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