Pappa, sysadmin, poddare, Volvoman, chipsentusiast
Den förbannade gröna pricken
Jason Fried om ett av de största stressmomenten när man jobbar hemma:
For years we used an internal instant messaging system that broadcasted everyone’s real-time status. It seemed cool, it seemed useful. It seemed like something that would be good to know. But it turned out to be TMI: Too Much Information.
Because, really, what does “available” and “away” really mean? Official definitions don’t matter, because here’s what they actually mean: “Available to be bothered” and “I’m running away and hiding because I can’t get any fucking work done around here.”
… laddar för en andra salva lagom till WWDC har inga som helst planer på att lägga sig på rygg inför Apple. Med tanke på hur snacket gått på Twitter runt detta är knappast endast ensamma om att vara missnöjda med hur Apple behandlar tredjepartsutvecklarna:
Apple’s App Store policies are anti-competitive, and have been for years now. Even with the looming threat of antitrust regulation, they’re brazenly wielding their monopoly power like a hammer. We’re not going to be quiet.
Björeman // Melin, avsnitt 214: Marco Armbook
I avsnitt 214 av sveriges trevligaste podd (enligt oss själva) diskuterar vi spel-PC:s, Jockes hejdå-till-Mac, Mac:ar baserade på ARM och framtiden för stora poddar som finansieras med annonser. Lyssna gärna i vilken poddspelare som helst och/eller läs mer här.
…En god anledning att köra Linux på skrivbordet
Christopher Tozzi skriver om varför han fortsätter använda Linux som operativsystem på sin skrivbordsdator:
On Windows, you assume your wireless card or printer or complex display configuration is going to work, because you know vendors have invested lots of time and money in testing them for you.
On Linux, however, there is no such guarantee. So I get a little bit of a high when I plug something in or install Linux on a new computer and see that the hardware and software all work together flawlessly. (This is almost always the case these days, by the way, which is a big contrast to 2005).
Historien om FreeBSD
Klara Systems begår något av en kulturgärning när de berättar hela historien om FreeBSD:
FreeBSD, a free and open-source Unix-like operating system has been around since 1993. However, its origins are directly linked to that of BSD, and further back, those of Unix. During this History of FreeBSD series, we will talk about how Unix came to be, and how Berkeley’s Unix developed at Bell Labs.
Ytterst läsvärt, oavsett om man kör Linux, Unix, BSD eller macOS (eller iOS för den delen…).