Hemarbete inte längre en utopi

9 Jun 2020


For example, a US Census Bureau survey reveals that one-third of all American workers and half of all so-called “information workers” are able to work from home, and that 98% would like the option of working from home for the rest of their career. Nearly two-thirds of candidates say that whether a company offers alternative work locations (home or office) is a key consideration when choosing a job.

On the other side of the equation, companies are managing to save about $11,000 annually for every employee who works from home approximately half the time. For employees, the change translates into savings of between $2,500 and $4,000 annually if they work from home half the time, and even more if they decide to move to less expensive areas or if they decide to work from home most of the time.

Arbetar man med någon form av “informationsarbete”, exempelvis utveckling, design, som skribent eller i princip vad som helst som tillåter att du sitter hemma och jobbar på hel- eller deltid så finns det få ursäkter för att inte göra det.

Om du vill det är en annan pilsner – vissa tycker det är supertrevligt och andra behöver den sociala kontakten som ett kontor innebär.

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Senast uppdaterad: 2020-06-09 kl. 07:32

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